Organic Lablab bean vine variety /Indian Bean/Avarakkai seeds

Organic Bounty Harvest seeds

Lurnea, New South Wales, Australia


10 seeds per packet.

Lab Lab Creeper is a big plant which takes a lot of space in a garden, at the same time it is a high yielder. Plants are grown along trellis. The creeper variety has the purple flowers.

The mature pods & dried beans contains toxins, so should be well cooked with a change of cooking water.  I cook only the fresh seeds and not the pods or dried seeds.

Uncooked pods may be unsafe for pets.

It is different from the purple podded variety or the hyacinth flowering bulbs , as the ones I grow are green podded ones.

Got something to discuss?

Kavithamma gudipati
3 years 8 months ago

Hi I ordered two packs. How many seeds will be in one packet. And also are they survive in spring and summer. Which weather is suitable for this seeds.

Organic Bounty Harvest seeds
3 years 7 months ago

Hi Kavitha,

Thank you for your order. There would be20 seeds in a packet. I grow a few varieties of them. They are suited to temperate, tropical & subtropical weather. They are champions of creepers. They grow & produce abundantly. Tolerant of heat & drought. Spring is perfect. They require some chill to flower. So they flower in autumn & spring. I will also enclose other varieties that are not creepers. They are bush variety and the pods can be consumed as well. A different creeper variety that you can try out as well.

Happy gardening,

2 years 10 months ago

Do you have bush type avarakkai
Thank you

Vyjayanthi Anand
2 years 10 months ago


Huge crops, awesome purple, mauve, pink and white flowers.

Known by heaps of names, Old man beans, Poor mans beans, Hyacinth beans, Dolichos, Lablab beans, Rongai bean, Fuji mame, Butter Beans or even Bouanavista pea.

The plants themselves have been cultivated for thousands of years and are quite delicious when harvested young, and as they are constantly producing new flowers and tender beans its super easy to just wander down and pick a half a bucket or so.The mature pods & dried beans contains toxins, so should be well cooked with a change of cooking water. I cook only the fresh seeds and not the pods or dried seeds.


They can be grown up a fence or trellis with great effect.
You can even grow them in a large pot on an apartment balcony, just letting them spread out on the handrail.

Unlike other beans that die out each year this one just keeps on producing.
Getting more common as a green manure and soil building crop due to its massive yields and productivity. Uncooked pods may be unsafe for pets.

It is different from the purple podded variety or the hyacinth flowering bulbs , as the ones I grow are green podded ones.