Organic Kohlrabi White Vienna seeds

The Urban Propagation

Crimson Drive, Doveton, Victoria, Australia


You may have spotted kohlrabi at your local farmers market and wondered what on earth it was. More recently, it has made its way to mainstream grocery store shelves, so thankfully it should be easier to find after you read this article (and you’ll definitely know what it is now).

What does it taste like? The taste of kohlrabi is similar to a broccoli stem but milder and sweeter. Some also describe its taste as somewhere between a mild radish, cabbage and jicama.

It is a member of the same family (Brassicaceae) as the more well-known likes of kale, Brussels sproutsbroccoli and cauliflower. The whole kohlrabi plant is edible, minus its slender root.

The kohlrabi you purchase most likely is half bulb, half greens. The edible bulb or stem can be green, white or purple, depending on the variety.

The leaves have a taste similar to collard greens but less intense. Like its relatives, it is loaded with phytochemicals that help prevent damage to the cells of our bodies and improve our overall health.

Kohlrabi is not widely grown commercially, but consumers are gaining awareness of this versatile vegetable. In Germany, however, kohlrabi has been a staple of German cuisine for hundreds of years. The German translation of kohlrabi is “cabbage turnip.”

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Available in 4g bags.

60 in stock

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