Jacaranda Tree seeds


Roleystone, Western Australia, Australia


10+ seeds in a packet.

Jacaranda Mimosifolia is a brilliant variety of tree jacaranda. This elegant tree produces interesting and peculiar fern-like foliage which is punctuated by an amazing blanket of mauve/lilac flowers that engulf the entire tree canopy for several months. Jacaranda Mimosifolia is suitable as a bonsai, provided the germinated seeds are grown in a low-organic matter soil, to ensure the plant is not to vigorous. The tap-root should either be snipped or curled (J-rooted) within the first 8-weeks, to ensure the plant remains suitable for bonsai.

Soak the jacaranda tree seeds in water for 24 hours. Soaking seeds helps to speed up the germination process by softening the seed’s protective outer coating. Plant the seeds in seed raising mix. Keep seeds warm and moist, jacaranda seeds take between 14 and 28 days to germinate. The ideal germination temperature is between 20 – 24 degrees Celsius. Once germinated and sturdy enough, transplant the seedlings into pots. Seedlings should be left to grow for around eight months before being planted in their final growing position.

3 in stock


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