Hog Plum seeds

Exotic Plants

Near Cherrybrook metro station, Castle hill, New South Wales, Australia


6 Hog Plum seeds

Hurry, very limited stock.  One fruit has 1 seed only.

Hog plum is a deciduous tree originally from tropical Americas e.g. West Indies.  The plant typically drops most of its compound leaves before flowering. The drupe fruits are about 4 cm (1.6 inches) in length and have a leathery yellow-green skin. The large stone in each fruit bears many spines and is difficult to separate from the pulp.

It is now successfully grown in tropical and temperate Australia usually among the Asian community for its many traditional medicinal uses.

Out of stock


Got something to discuss?

3 years 14 days ago

Hi, I’ve never heard of these being successfully grown from seed. Whats the trick. Thanks

Ken Chee
3 years 10 days ago

Warm and humid environment (e.g. glasshouse), as replied directly