Beauty Bush Kolkwitzia Amabilis seeds

Gatherer Forager farm

Judds creek road, Judbury, Tasmania, Australia


A mesmerizing medium-sized deciduous shrub, prized for its beautiful appearance. From May to June the arching stems play host to masses of pale pink, trumpet-shaped blooms that contrast beautifully with the delicate yellow throat. These gather in abundant clusters on arching branches amongst simple green leaves. As the flowers fade, this dark green foliage makes an elegant backdrop for other summer-flowering shrubs and perennials

1. Soak your beautybush seeds in hot tap water, let stand in water for 24 hours.

2. Cold stratify your beautybush seeds for 90 days. Place your seeds in moist sand inside a plastic bag, and place the bag inside the refrigerator for 90 days.

3. Sow your beautybush seeds 3/8 inch deep, cover lightly with mulch and keep moist.

4. Your beautybush seeds should germinate in 30-45 days but may take longer

60 seeds


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