Organic Marigold Mix seeds

The Urban Propagation

Crimson Drive, Doveton, Victoria, Australia


If you want the best companion for your vegetable garden then you’ve got to have plenty of these gorgeous flowers around!
Self seeding variety, Strong fragrance that helps repel pests and keeps mosquitoes away while also being a pleasant sight for sore eyes!
Fights nematodes and most pests as the odour and oils are harmful for them. Keeps whiteflies away from your favourite plant, Trust me!

Available in 1.5 g resealable bags.

12 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: OMF01 Category: Tags: , ,

Got something to discuss?

3 years 7 months ago

Hi! looking for 2kg of this seed and wondering how much it is. Thank you!



We don’t spray any chemicals so they are perfect for you dining table to keep flies away from your dinner!

For many people, marigold flowers (Tagetes) are among the first flowers they remember growing. These easy-care, bright blooms are often used as Motherā€™s Day gifts and growing projects at schools. Even now, you can be growing marigold flowers in your own garden. Letā€™s look at how to grow marigolds. Different Kinds of Marigold Flowers Marigolds come in four different types. These are: African ā€“ These marigold flowers tend to be tall French ā€“ These tend to be dwarf varieties Triploid ā€“ These marigolds are a hybrid between African and French and are multi-colored Single ā€“ Have long stems and look like daisies. Some people also refer to Calendulas as Pot Marigolds, but they are not related to the flowers most people know as marigolds.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Growing Marigold Flowers: How To Grow MarigoldsĀ