Organic Chilli Manzano seeds

The Urban Propagation

Crimson Drive, Doveton, Victoria, Australia


The name “Manzano” actually comes from the Spanish word “manzana”. Manzano means “apple”, which is why it is also known in places as the “apple pepper”.

Apple or apple-like in appearance, it’s not surprising that this pepper has been given such a nickname. Manzano peppers are cherry to apple-sized fruits with a spicy flavor and a high concentration of vitamins C and A.

The Manzano pepper is a medium-hot chili, falling somewhere in the 10,000-30,000 Scoville Heat Units range on the Scoville Scale. Compare this to the popular jalapeno pepper and the manzano can reach up to 6 times hotter than the average jalapeno.

They definitely have a nice kick.

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Avaliable in 1g bags.

4 in stock

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