Meadow Sage seeds

Gatherer Forager farm

Judds creek road, Judbury, Tasmania, Australia


Salvia pratensis

50 seeds

meadow clary, wild sage, or native meadow sage. Sage has its name from the Latin salvia, ‘healing plant’. It occurs in the wild up to altitudes of about 1600 m above sea level and loves
sunny places with calcareous, nutrient-rich, and rather dry soils.
The meadow sage is an excellent bee pasture plant and attracts primarily bumblebees. Like its relative, the genuine sage (Salvia officinalis), you can use the wild meadow sage as a cooking spice. Its flavor is very mild and is often used for seasoning fish dishes. The aromatic flowers are used in salads or for adding edible decorations to desserts and dishes.


Got something to discuss?

8 months 13 days ago

I am looking for salvia officinalis. Please let me know when you will have it. Thanks