Anise Hyssop seeds

Gatherer Forager farm

Judds creek road, Judbury, Tasmania, Australia


Beloved by bees Anise Hyssop is a must for any cottage garden.

Anise hyssop has a flavour similar to anise and belongs to the same botanical family as hyssop, but it is not a cross between the two. Its licorice-flavored leaves and seeds can be used in teas, salads, and cooking.

Plant anise hyssop in full sun; plants will tolerate light shade.

Seeds can be started indoors about 8 weeks before the average date of the last spring frost. Seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days.

Keep planting beds well weeded; anise hyssop is a slow grower and is easily challenged by weeds and other plants. Anise hyssop roots spread quickly—much like mint—so trim them back before it becomes invasive. Anise hyssop may require staking as it matures.

100 seeds per pack


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